Did you know?
90% of students don’t pass their driving assessment first time!
According to Dirk Zarb Cousin, owner and instructor of Driving West Motor School, he believes that 90% of students don’t pass this due to their anxiety’s rising up before the big practical assessment and getting in the way. He truly believes this hinders their focus and in many cases, small silly mistakes occur which stop students from passing their assessment.
Our mindset coaching sessions with Steph can help to specifically combat this!
This truly is a unique service provided only by Driving West Motor School and we are so excited to be able to offer this very valuable experience and service to our students.
Come see us in order to learn effectively the necessary driving skills from our amazing team, and compliment those skills by mastering your mindset to learn how to calm those nerves, feel confident and focused before the big day!

Steph Mockford
Introducing our newest member of the team Steph who is bringing her wealth of knowledge about all things mindset to Driving West Motor School!
Steph is a Health and Wellness Coach who has created Mindset Coaching sessions specifically designed to help students attack their anxiety’s and obtain their drivers licence! Steph’s mindset coaching sessions are tailored to help specifically with combating the anxiety and nerves that so many students feel before and on the big day of their driver’s assessment.
In a coaching session Steph teaches tools and techniques that can be utilised and put into practise to defeat those nerves, stresses and anxieties that show up. Students will also be gaining a greater sense of control around how to manage one’s emotional state, especially during stressful times.
To Book Your First Driving Lesson
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